Shipping Info

The majority of our orders are shipped from Amazon's fulfillment centers in Canada. Approximate delivery time is 3-8 business days.
A two business day shipping option is also available at an additional charge. Express shipping costs will calculate at checkout.
Please allow at least 1 business day for your order to process. Express orders are typically processed within 24 hours. All items are shipped in discrete packaging.
PLEASE double check the shipping address you entered in during checkout. You will receive a confirmation email once you place your order. We are not responsible for incorrectly entered shipping addresses. Please reply to the order confirmation email ASAP if you did make a mistake. We will do our best to correct it before your order is packaged by our fulfillment center.
At this time, our fulfillment center does not ship from Canada to the US. However, depending on the amount of stock we have stored at our home, we can ship some of our products to the US.
Check out our Etsy shop to browse the products available to US customers and to purchase these items. If there's something else you had your eye on that's not listed on our Etsy, reach out to us and we'll try and work something out for you!